Honda NC700 NC750 automatic luggage opener system

  • #1

    Hello, I am Olcay from Turkey.

    I dont speak German and sorry my bad English

    I did this system, home made (DIY)

    cost in Turkey 10$

    Video ;

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    Pictures ;

    see you

  • #2

    Hi olcay!

    This looks great and the photo documentation is very easy to understand. I almost gave up on an automatic luggage opener after the Japanese seller of a commercial kit went out of buisiness. This gets my hopes up again to try and make it myself.

    Thanks so much!

    Best wishes,

    NC750XAE in Candy Arcadian Red mit Michelin PR4, Honda Hauptständer, H+B Sturzbügel, Acerbis Dual Road, Ortlieb Moto, RAM X-Grip, Blaze Halterung, Oxford Cruise, Handy-Lader, H&B ION Blue Flooter
    Verbrauch: (35 ± 2) µl/m

  • #5

    Good job, but too complicated for my limited mechanical skills..
    I'd just like to have a button actuating the lid's latch mechanism, so that the turning of the flimsy key doesn't have to do it.

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