Kürzlich bei fb gefunden.
Wir müssen in unserer Firma auch alle 60 Tage die PW ändern und da gibt es auch einige Regeln.
Aber so schlimm ist es bei uns glücklicherweise nicht
"Sorry, your password has been in use for 30 days and has expired - you must register a new one."
"Sorry, too few characters."
>pretty roses<
"Sorry, you must use at least one numerical character."
>1 pretty rose<
"Sorry, you cannot use blank spaces."
"Sorry, you must use at least 10 different characters."
"Sorry, you must use at least one upper case character."
"Sorry, you cannot use more than one upper case character consecutively."
"Sorry, you must use no fewer than 20 total characters."
>1****ingPrettyRoseShovedUpYourAssIfYouDon'tGiveMe AccessRight****ingNow!<
"Sorry, you cannot use punctuation."
>1****ingPrettyRoseShovedUpYourAssIfYouDontGiveMeA ccessRight****ingNow<
"Sorry, that password is already in use."